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About Us

Why does The Teamcoach work?

We're taking the bug out of the system. For good!

 You are the management or executive team. You have to lead the organization and it is not working the way you want it to. Internal tensions, Sand in the engine, Trouble. Whatever you call it, it costs a lot of energy.

 You can't get out of this troubled water by yourself. That's right. You can't pull yourself out of the swamp by your shoelaces. Of course, you've tried everything. A good conversation, a color test, or a feedback course. But did that really help? Unfortunately...

 So you need someone who can get you out of this mess. Who can see why it doesn't change by itself and who can remove the sting that's ruining it. Once and for all.

 The Teamcoach.

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It will stay with you forever

 What makes De Teamcoach different, besides the quality of breaking through the varnish, is the four-factor model. I think that model is worth its weight in gold in all its simplicity. In addition, De Teamcoach can help you out of your standard mode with their creative working methods and those impactful images will stay with you forever. Of course, it is often the things that are not so comfortable and out of the box that have the most impact. Provided you can guide it well. And De Teamcoach can do that like no other.

Marieke Arents, municipal secretary of Nuenen

Because it is possible!

I see time and time again in teams that when things go wrong, it is never because people have bad intentions. In the end, everyone wants the best. For themselves and the team.

Only through all sorts of misunderstandings, hurts, uncertainties, misunderstood intentions and a whole lot of other dynamic stuff, those beautiful intentions disappear in a kind of gray haze of disturbances. And then we all stop believing in each other.

My work helps people untangle this mess and, above all, to see each other as people again.

 Then I know that I have helped to increase trust in the world a little bit.

Ons team

Natasja Hoex

Natasja is the founder of De Teamcoach. Team coaching is in her DNA. Natasja is razor-sharp, damn direct and at the same time she understands the art of guiding teams in a light-hearted way. With her depth and at the same time creative humor it is a great pleasure to work with Natasja.

Ben Vissers

Ben is truly an old-school professional. Very precise in his analyses and because of that he always knows how to open a hatch that no one had seen before. As a supervisor, Ben is sharp on the energy in the process. Is it flowing or is it stuck? And what does that mean? And how does this fit into the bigger picture of the organization?

Ineke Werkman

Ineke is at her best in complex dynamics. Listening, analyzing and puzzling over which intervention is appropriate is a challenge she finds interesting every time. People change when they feel safe and have confidence and are allowed to be themselves. And Ineke offers that like no other

Jet Holthuijsen

Jet is a very inspiring facilitator/coach. With her firmness, humor and clarity she is able to give a new impulse to the personal and professional development of self-confident men and women. A confronting, but also sensitive mirror that goes to the core.

Natasja knows how to bring tensions into the light

Natasja managed to put her finger on the sore spot in another team and made everyone see what needed to change. So I knew she was the right person to mediate the conflict that had arisen between a manager and a team member.

It was striking that Natasja not only focused on the conflict, but was also able to provide useful explanations about leadership strategies. That was an important addition to the coaching.

I would absolutely recommend the Team Coach. Especially for issues with unspoken tensions. Natasja knows how to bring them to the surface and make them discussable. And even if that sometimes means that people have to leave, sometimes that is the best decision you can make.

Jan Willem van Hoogstraten CEO EBN

No rose-tinted story

Natasja thinks and listens along and gives a kind of interactive coaching, in which we ourselves have a lot of initiative. This has led to self-reflection in the entire team. The atmosphere in the team has completely changed after the coaching. There is more self-confidence, we dare to show ourselves more. Even a collaboration that was difficult at first, is currently going fantastically.

I would definitely recommend De Teamcoach. Especially because I think Natasja is a really listening coach. She is not someone who tries to impose something, she does her homework in advance. The team is also really involved in making the program for the coaching.

Coaching by The Team Coach does not remain a theory on a flip-over. It is not a rose-tinted story, you can really do something concrete with it and that prevents a lot of resistance.

Bianca Rovers Team Leader Municipality of Heeze

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