Team coaching


The gold is slipping through your fingers

Once upon a time, you started this company with fire in your heart.

At one time you chose with full conviction for a place in the Executive Team or Management Team of this company. And now?

The fire is gone.

Endless discussions prevent you from making decisions that the organization needs!

Something's wrong. There's a lot of fuss between the teammembers, ugh!

You are not coming up with structural solutions and everything, everything at the moment is becoming ad hoc, fast, panic.

The gold in your hands is slipping through your fingers.

You're not going to let that happen, are you?


Wilma Gomerus, Management Team

Alfa Accountants Zwolle

We didn't really have any doubts about starting with team coaching. The question was more like: "Are you the right coach, so that I can show you everything? That I really say what I'm concerned with and what I'm up against. That I dare to expose myself." Nowadays you have a lot of coaches, so you can't really see the wood for the trees. When we first met, we immediately had the feeling: "Yes, she understands what we're up against." And Natasja immediately led us to a different track than what we were thinking about. And that suited us much better. It was actually an immediate eye-opener.

What does The Teamcoach deliver?

The Teamcoach doesn't offer a band-aid. We don't do color tests to get to know each other better. No hallelujah stuff. We work with your reality as it is now. We remove the bug from the system. For good!

Deciphering the mismatch

Finally knowing why things aren't going well and why they don't change by themselves

Decision on “Do we continue or do we leave?”

Out of this fuss

Trusting each other again

Concrete working agreements that make a difference

Making decisions that the organization needs

A management team that is doing what it is supposed to do again, Proud!

We want out of this hassle

What sets us apart?

All our teamcoaches have specialist training in group dynamics and extensive experience in working with groups. We are not standard, we are not the cheapest and we are not always nice. We do offer a real solution, for real people with a real problem.


We specialize in the more difficult group dynamics, such as persistent patterns, conflicts, passivity and misalignment.

The chance of success of a trajectory with us is very high. References particularly mention the sustainability of our interventions as a huge plus. We do not offer a band-aid. We remove “the bug” from the system. For good!

Let us help you

Less distrust and less judgment

My doubt was: "Will the group be able to pull this off?" Because it is something completely different from what we normally do. I found that very exciting. "Is it too soft?" I thought, "you hear so often that you have to stick on post-its, which you never do anything with later"

We weren't really a team at all. Much more a group with egos, so people who don't really take the other into account. Now, a few months later, people work with less distrust and less judgement. They seek each other out much more, they ask each other questions when they don't know something. Where they really wouldn't have done that before! And that's happening all the time now. Isn't that great?

Céline van Elst, CNV Connectief

Through the varnish layer

With team coaching, the question is always to what extent it does not remain on the surface. A good coach must therefore be able to break through that layer of varnish, without becoming the elephant in the china shop.

The most beautiful thing about De Teamcoach is the ability to break through that layer of varnish, while also offering respect and comfort to the people who participate. That is impressive. That has also led to me learning a lot from it myself.

I also really liked that we went out with a concretization step every time. It didn't remain vague.

Marike Arents, municipal secretary of the municipality of Nuenen

  • Does it cost a lot?

    Yes, indeed! Secretly, we all hope for a magic wand that will suddenly change everything. This applies to losing a few stones, to all those crazy habits of your partner and also to collaboration problems in a team.

    I ask of you full commitment. You may have doubts, find it uncomfortable, sometimes not see it anymore. But I want a YES to the decision to go for it and to want to step out of the current hassle.

    A successful team coaching trajectory lasts about 6-8 months and starts with a team analysis. I charge a half-day rate of € 1,150. The total costs depend on the question. Teams of about 5 people invest on average between € 12,000 and € 20,000 to successfully achieve the desired result (analysis + team coaching)

  • For whom not?

    Teamcoaching is not training. If you are looking for training in the area of leadership, for example, we would rather refer you to a good colleague. Team coaching is not team building. Team building works very well for teams that basically work well together. Teams in stubborn patterns will first have to break through this pattern. Otherwise, nothing really changes. I do not work with workforce teams. I also do not work with teams that cannot escape the primary process.

  • For whom?

    Management and executive teams. In addition, I occasionally have room for a team of professionals/self-managing team.

    You notice an urgent problem in the interaction. You understand that you cannot solve it yourself because you are in the middle of it. Working harder is not the solution, you understand that. And you know that you have to do something with Trust, Honesty and joint Commitment. But you struggle with the question: How ?

I only have room for 3 teams per quarter with an urgent problem. Don't wait any longer.

Let's talk further
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